Help Raise Awareness About Domestic Violence
in Your Community, and South Carolina
"Parties With Purpose" are events held by friends, family, community supporters, and businesses. These events can take place anytime, but many of these events happen during September and October as October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. The purpose of having "Parties With Purpose" is to raise awareness about My Sister's House and the services we provide, and in particular, Domestic Violence in our communities and our state of SC.
The Parties With Purpose events are meant as an opportunity for people to get together and do something fun together but also to learn about My Sister's House and our services and what we are doing in your community to help women and children who are victims of domestic violence. We are happy to assist with suggestions for themes, games, etc.
Anyone can HOST a "Parties With Purpose" event, an individual, a business who wants to support My Sister's House. In our first year promoting "Parties With Purpose" we had over 20 parties and raised over $15,000 to help the women and children in our shelter move forward toward having a better life.
We will supply invitations, envelopes, evites, cocktail napkins with logo, donation envelopes and a speaker to give a brief overview about My Sister's House. As a HOST, you provide the beverages and food or nibbles.
If you are a business, we will help market your event by adding it to our website, posting about it on social media (Facebook , Twitter) and sending out information in our eNewsletter.
To learn more about hosting "Parties With Purpose", please email us at
Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or sign up for our email newsletter to stay up to the minute on upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.